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Please select the purpose of your inquiry / request.
Request a Demo
book an appointment with us, we can discuss you training needs / provide a demonstration class.
Purchase Inquiry
Go to our on-line shop, brows our courses and select delivery date(s) and time(s) then purchase a course.
Customer Support
Whatever problems, doubts or concerns you have, we would like hear about them. Contact us here via email
Steven Garschke
Coach & Business CONSULTANT
Steven is a highly successful manager and entrepreneur, with over 20 years of finance, administration and contract management experience, in the private and public sector. He has worked in educational service provision, import, retail, wholesale and catering sectors, in the UK. He developed and implemented business strategies that saw year on year improvements in performance and quality of delivery, training and development of staff, placing the organisations he worked for as exemplars of good practice, securing and maintaining key contracts.
Karina Lima
Office Administrator
Karina graduated from Administration at UniMax in Indaiatuba.
she will be your main point of contact via telephone, WhatsApp and email, Facebook and Skype Chat with the organisation,
Ari Lima
Coach & Business Consultant
Ari is an active and outgoing individual, with excellent communication skills, he speaks English, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. He bring enthusiasm and a positive attitude to his job; helping meet the needs of clients while managing their expectations. He has worked in the aviation, travel and tourism, and managed services sector. He studied philosophy and psychology in Rome and Madrid,
English at Newcastle University and pedagogy for adults at Leeds University, he also taught Leadership Management for the public services at Newcastle College.
Get to know us – Upcoming Social Events
Saturday 31st August 2019
Spend a couple of hours on a Saturday morning walking round the lakes in Colinas do Mosteiro de Itaici, chatting with our people, and get to meet current and prospective clients.
Sunday 15th September 2019
Spend a pleasant Sunday afternoon in the gardens of Relocate-Brazil, chatting with our people over a Gin & Tonic (the first one is free). Get to meet some of our current and prospective clients.
Visit Today
Terras de Itaici
Indaiatuba SP
Book an Appointment and Visit us Today